One way to shut up a White bigot/supremacist…
Racial discrimination exists all over the world. No big surprise there. If you are among your country’s majority race, you likely have it a lot better, racially, than your country’s minority counterparts.
Here in mostly White America (71% according to Wikipedia) discrimination is also alive and well and doing its negative, destructive thing. Most if not all of us here on this forum acknowledge that discrimination still happens within our “shining city on a hill.” If we are White, we already know about and have experienced our “White privilege” by way of good jobs and other connections/benefits. I know I have. Any White person who denies that is only fooling themselves and lives in an alternate reality; they are not seeing things clearly. If you are not White, you also know very well the “other side of the story.”
Granted, discrimination-wise, things have gotten a lot better here in the U.S. since the ‘60s. In general, that’s fair and accurate to recognize. But it’s far from the “more perfect Union,” for which we are supposedly striving. So please don’t try to pull the “But Card” on me, just because things have gotten better. No “but whataboutism” here, thank you very much. 😉
So, here’s the magical question to ask a White bigot:
Would you want to be non-White? (Expect a “no” answer.) Follow it up with a “why not?”
Boom… I think we have a bingo here.
Q1: Would you agree that the likely answer to that question is proof positive that discrimination still exists?
Q2: Do you know any person of color who would like to remain a person of color here in the U.S.? If so, tell us that story. We’re listening.
(by PrimalSoup)
Bonus video:
Here’s some more fascist food for thought:
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