Friday Fun - YOUR favorite Sci-Fi movie
Believe it or not, I was NEVER a fan of 2001 - too dry, too slow.
On the other hand, a cheaply made poorly acted sci-fi movie is still one of my faves - the original Terminator.
I sort of liked the first three Star Wars movies, though corny as you know what. BUT then they made it into a franchise and now - forgetaboutit!
Couldn't stand ET either.
SO for me the bestest of the best sci-fi movies makes a short list:
The 2011 Rise of the Planet of the Apes and the sequels.
Alien and Aliens, none of the alter sequels.
The Truman Show
Children of Men
Avatar, but not the sequel
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
and who can dispute one of the greatest classics of ALL time:
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