
TV Crushes.

  Most of are old enough now to not be embarrassed by admitting we had a crush on television characters. Who was the guy/girl that sent you to bed with a smile and happy dreams? Forget Ginger.  Mary Ann was the one. J.P. Bunny

Sittin' on the can..........

 My significant other gets quite annoyed with me at times. Because, when I go to use the can, I tend to disappear for a while. TMI? Yeah, well, that is because, I tend to get lost on my cell playing Wood Block games or Solitaire.  I have a friend who has an entire collection of Bathroom Readers, and yup, his significant other complains too.  Also, this seems to be a male thing, to be on the can for ages. Maybe reading the newspaper?   Are YOU one of those guys? Ladies, any comments? 

Raking leaves this time of year............

 I don't have to worry about THAT activity any more, but believe it or not, when I was a home owner I enjoyed raking leaves. And yes, I did it the old fashion way. None of this using a blower or one of those, whatchamacallit.............. And what to do with the leaves? Bag 'em? Make a mound to jump into? (not advisable, just so you know) And what about folks with huge properties? Do they or you (if you have a huge property) just leave the leaves to rot, thinking, maybe they might make good fertilizer in the spring? Nope, not a good idea....... Excessive leaf matter on your lawn going into winter is bad for several reasons.  First, it will smother the grass and if not removed very soon in the spring it will inhibit growth.  Second, it can promote the snow mold diseases.  And finally, turf damage from critters (voles, mice) can be more extensive in the spring.

Ships That Pass In The Night, Require A Ton Of Laxative.

  Bunny was planning on a fun English post, but someone beat him to it. Now is the time. Bad jokes, puns, punctuation that changes the meaning…things that make English a horror to use, but fun to play with.   Watt dew yew halve? J.P. Bunny

What SNOWFLAKE wants to know......................

 If your wife, girlfriend, significant other, or some lady you are dating, asks you........... How do I look in this? Are you gonna tell her the truth, dance around the question, or lie to her and tell she looks great in that? Where this idea came from: SNOWFLAKE   Mod 2 hours ago I lie. She asks me, does this look good on me? Am I gonna be honest? Hell no! Just_PrimalSoup (aka Susan)    SNOWFLAKE   2 hours ago That's where  finesse  come in. You must  finesse  that kind of thing. 😉 It can be done. Never mind the finessing part. Be honest. Would YOU be honest and tell your lady (or gentleman) that they look great in that when they look anything but? I mean, how honest do you want to be on THAT question? Hasn't THAT question been a  universal dilemma ever since the first caveman brought home a woman? Or the first woman brought home a man (gotta be fair here).   Just_PrimalSoup (aka Susan)    SNOWFLAKE   2 minutes ago "Dear heart, if you like it,  I  like it. Because I like

PWoD wants to know...

  PWoD   Does anyone have experience using Dvorak keyboards instead of the QWERTY ones we were brought up with? Anybody got any stories/advice to tell/give? (by PrimalSoup)
Wheatfield with crows Vincent van Gogh. Wheatfield with crows. July 1890. Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam. For some time i've had Wheatfield with crows by Vincent van Gogh as my wallpaper so I see a simulacron of its brilliance every day. The sight of it makes me happy; but there is a problem. Should it? Vincent had a poor life, always short of money and failing as a bookseller, teacher, evangelical minister  and at pretty much whatever he tried. Even in his late life as an artist he only sold two paintings.  In 1886 he moved to Paris and then in February 1898 he arrived in Arles, where the brilliant light of Provence inspired his last two years and left the legacy which we can see today.  Wheatfield with crows was painted in July 1890, probably his last painting, a few days before Vincent walked into a wheatfield and shot himself in the stomach, dying a couple of days later. The question is : does this painting presage his death? When we look at it we see a cornfield with three tracks