I need help..........

 Don't know what to do.

As you all know I still keep busy school cross guarding. Weather is still nice but a tad chilly in the morning.

Some parents clearly feel sorry for me. Has happened many times. They bring me coffee to warm me up.

Cept - I am on duty, it's chilly out in the morning so if I put the coffee down to drink later it gets cold, or if it's really chilly I am wearing mits and can't hold the coffee, so have to take off at least one mit, make sure no kids are coming, then either take a sip or put it down (on the sidewalk no less, nowhere else to put it) and put the mit back on. All the while holding a Stop sign.

Worse - They bring me coffee with cream and sugar in it. I don't drink sugar in my coffee. It makes me mean. (Anyone a fan of Big Sugar gets what I am saying there)

OR - they bring me a black coffee, with one of those little cups of cream and a packet of sugar. So, I have to wait till the kids have gone by, remove a mit, or put down my sign, remove the lid from the coffee, punch a hole in the cream cup, all the while trying not to spill any coffee on me and watching out for kids.

But - I really can't refuse. I'd like to. It feels rude to. After all, someone went to a coffee shop and bought me a coffee. Telling them thanks but no thanks leaves them with a coffee on their hands they intended for me. Not nice.

What should I do?


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