How long should a good hug last?

 Odd question?

Not in New Zealand..............

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — Emotional farewells are a common sight at airports, but travelers leaving the New Zealand city of Dunedin will have to be quick. A new three-minute time limit on goodbye hugs in the airport’s drop-off area is intended to prevent lingering cuddles from causing traffic jams.

Sort of like, when you are leaving a party to go home and your partner is hugging the host for so long you get restless because you want to get home. 

According to AI......

Hugs that are less than 1 second are considered the least pleasurable. Hugs that are 5–10 seconds long are considered the safest and most likely to be pleasant.


Looking to give your loved one the perfect hug? Psychologists in London claim they have cracked the code on the ideal embrace, saying hugs should last between five and 10 seconds.

Come on, give us your best hug story, and estimation of how long a hug you are comfortable with and does it change with who you are hugging?


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