Confronting Bluster ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ’ข๐Ÿ—ฏ๐Ÿ—ฏ

 So, what is bluster?

By definition:

-to speak or act in a noisy, angry, or threatening way without saying anything important

As good enough an explanation as any I guess, but it really doesn't say it all.

Back when I was a kid, there was always that kid on the teams that would lose at whatever game it was and get mad while blaming someone else for the loss, even though they'd been a major part in the loss.

So I naively assumed that bluster was only a sore loser thing. As I got older and worked I found out that it was also a tactic to try and scare others from fighting back.

So a poker reference here, it's very similar to someone going "all in" right away to discourage anyone from calling the bet.

Now, we see it quite often in politics, usually with doubling down if it's confronted.

In politics as a tactic, it's meant to scare the politician's opponents, but also to distract from the other things the politician has failed to deliver and/or actually wants to do.

The politician is in fact gambling and quite often with peoples lives or livelihood in the balance and it's always for their personal gain one way or the other.

So what do you do?

1. Call the bluff immediately?  ie. Call BS on what they said and go right back to the topic?

2. Go off and fact check what they said and come back later to prove them wrong?

3. Do nothing and just hope they were joking?

4. Anything else that you think you should do (everyone has their own way of dealing with things)

Note: There's only one wrong answer in the multiple choice above.

(At least from my point of view)



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