When you think you know someone..........

 NOT that we really know each other. We may have some inkling about a person's personality and demeanor, but..................

How much do we really know about each other on here? I mean, really really know. We have some notions, but............

The same goes for the real world. Even family can shock you. How often have we read about this family or that family finding out that a member of that family had a history of abuse, or belonging to some heinous organization? 

More likely people around us we are not intimately acquainted with. He seemed like such a nice guy, what a shock to find out he was arrested for theft. Or something worse. Or I trust my preacher, then find out he was molesting little boys. Not that our not knowing about someone has to be THAT drastic. 

Example: We might have a notion that this one or that one is even keeled then suddenly they explode into hateful rhetoric, made snide hurtful remarks, displays harsh and unbending prejudices.

NOW, reverse that.

How often have you met someone, or gotten to know someone, whether out there or in the virtual world such as here, where you had some nagging negative thoughts about him/her only to change your mind and start to like that person once you have gotten to know them better?

So, here is your chance to talk about your fellow Snowflake travelers and admit that you were right about them, wrong about them, or they seem to you now what they seemed to you last year. 

OR, tell us an experience you had in the real world where you felt one way about a person, until you got to know that person or find out something about that person that surprised you (either unpleasantly or pleasantly).


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