You and your first world problems…


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Let's get our minds off of the California historic fires. It depresses me so. Just horrible, horrible. [sigh]

Here’s something to help get our minds off of it.  The triviality of simple frustration, a silly human condition.  I promised Greg I’d send this out the second week of January:

JustGreg wants to know:

Idea for a thread, Susan. Maybe ask people to think of the stuff that irks them in their day to day that we can laugh at and label, "first world problems." They are hardly problems in the grander scope of things. Annoyances.

For instance when I navigate to a website and I want to click on a link but that page bounces and is still loading so I've actually clicked on a link that I didn't want to click on taking me to a page I did not want to navigate to. Annoying. And also, first world problems!

(for JustGreg by PrimalSoup)


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