Photos Of Every Damn Thing, Including Yourself.


Many of us here seem to be from the analog age.  When we took photographs, it was to show others where we had been, remind us of where we had been, or something noteworthy.  If you were with your other or family, you may have asked another to take a picture of you at that memorable spot.

Now, young people take pictures of everything, even their food.  Do you really need a photographic record of all your meals?  Do your friends really want that sent to them?

Also the silly selfi.  Are you really incapable of figuring out that it was you who took the photo of the Grand Canyon?  Do you really need all pictures to have you as the center of attention, and the Loch Ness Monster relegated to the background?

What are your thoughts on this?  Do you take pictures of everything, do it old style, or something different?

J.P. Bunny


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