Time to get annoyed!!
- irritated, disturbed, or bothered:
Now, the question is............... which of the following annoys you MORE? Even if both annoy you. I know this may be an annoying thing to post just after New Year's, but let out your frustrations by picked which annoys you MORE.
AND umm, try 'n explain your choice, no matter how annoying that may be 😕
The educated know-it-all, or the uneducated pretend know-it-all?
The loud and obnoxious, or the quiet sullen person?
A well dressed person when the occasion doesn't call for it, or the jeans and tshirt type when the occasion calls for being well dressed?
A person who takes way too much care for their appearance (hair, make up), or the one who doesn't care about their appearance?
The overly religious types who constanly go on and on about their religion, or the atheist who can never stop mocking religious people?
The elderly type who wants to tell younguns about "the way it was" or the youngun who wants to tell a senior "ain't that way any more"?
Authors who post thought provoking threads when you just wanna have fun, or those who post mindless but fun threads when you wanna talk about serious stuff?
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