"I don't like it!"


At 71, I've come to realize that I'm free to reject trends, ideas, manners and more.  Also, most people don't care what I like or dislike.  So why not go with it?  I don't like...

Religious arguments with strangers.  The other day, a well-meaning fellow tried to carry me to Jesus' bosom.  I was rude to him.

People who turn every public place into an exercise or yoga platform.  I have a koffeeklatsch that meets every morning.  I don't mind a little music in the background.  But lately, every weekend, there are a bunch of people gyrating their aging keisters to the sound of boom boxes playing some truly gawdawful music.   And playing it so loudly my group can't simply talk anymore!

I could go on at length.  In fact, I probably will, in the comments.  But hey -- what don't you like?  Share!  We can be grouchy together!

          AlextheKay wants you to get off his lawn!          


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