Proud To Be An American - by Lance

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Among the most quoted phrases, these are the words authorized by pen on July 4, 1776.  The words that would change the course of a nation.  A nation I am proud of.   A concept that continues to unfold 244 years later.

My attitude toward America started early in my life.  As a Scout the words "duty to God and my country" are a part of the Scout Oath, which I recited hundreds of times in my youth and as an adult leader.  They are words I takes seriously and why I feel honored to be able to celebrate Independance Day.

One cannot study history without understanding that the vision of all men being equal didn't equally apply to all mankind.  One thing is certain however, after thousands of years of history these words would lead to a more true equality.

Our founders new the world would change and laid out the process for us to make that happen.  Change hasn't always been easy.  It wasn't supposed to be.  A wave of popular, progressive sentiment led to an amendment that later had to be rescinded.  A clear indication why, as a nation, we are not easily redirected by the winds.

Much has changed.  Our Constitution has been amended over a dozen times since the Bill of Rights.  Amended to advance the state of all mankind being equal.  Our nation is a work in progress.  Slow, measured progress.  I am okay with that.  Some may disagree on what progress needs to occur and how to get there.  I am okay with that.

Monuments and symbols are typically to men and things.  Our allegiance is to a nation.  The flag flying when the poem that would become our national anthem was written had 15 stars and 15 stripes.  It wouldn't officially become our anthem for another 100 years.  It may change again, and if it does I will still stand and salute.  The time to go to my knees is before not during.  Please, dont take it away for sake of popular progressivism.

As a fellow Scouter penned a few years back -

"Independence Day calls on all of us to recognize and honor the freedoms we all enjoy. Our way of life is not one we should take lightly or for granted. Much was sacrificed for us to enjoy the freedom and independence we have. Let's honor it and protect it today and tomorrow for all who follow in our footsteps." July 4, 2016

Regardless of what you feel about our history or the state of the nation today, let's all give thought to what protecting our freedom for tomorrow means.


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