The Neuroscience speaks

By Best In Moderation

Every time I think we've reached the most dumb thing, I am proven incorrect yet again. This time, it hits too close to home to ignore.

Lately there has been an interest in cognitive tests and what their results mean. The people making the most noise about this are lying profusely about what they are and what they mean. Those pushing back are not giving enough context nor pushing back strongly enough to show how completely dishonest the former are being, and I'm sick of this stupid shit.

In another life, I was a clinical neuropsychologist. I'm certified through the Dutch GGD to test, analyse and diagnose neuropsychological issues and their effect on individuals. I worked at Leiden University Hospital and worked primarily on neural degradation in patients, and charting that slope.

Two tests were a staple of our work, the MOCA and the WAIS (WiSC for kids). The MOCA is the test being popularized by the deranged leader of the USA at the moment, and it is a baseline test to determine if someone has signs of encroaching dementia or other degradation. It is not an intelligence test, it is not a test you can "ace," and I am not amazed that someone can repeat 5 words after ten minutes.

The other test is an intelligence test, used to establish a baseline of current ability. It does not determine excellence, only competence, and a comparison to average test-takers (who are, through a battery of other tests, determined to be in different intellectual levels to create a normative baseline).

This test is massive, and it analyzes multiple factors and competences to establish your performative and verbal IQ (see picture). It takes several hours and often several sessions to complete, including comparison scores to previous times you took this test. Based on the scores Neuropsychologists can determine if you are in need of special assistance, where you have trouble learning or reasoning, signs of neurological issues and your general intelligence (one of many tests that will be used concurrently to measure this).

It in no way confers any indication of genius-level intelligence nor is it meant to by itself. Included in a battery of other context tests, it can be used to bolster a determination of genius level intelligence.

There is no doubt in my mind that Donald Trump has never seen nor taken this test.

Most of these tests are not meant to look for excellence. That is not their purpose. It is to look for problems so that we can intervene with therapies and assistance.

Donald Trump is mentally inept, and proud of his ignorance. He shows most of the criteria for NPD (Narcissism), checks off most of the boxes for sociopathy and demonstrates a severe learning disability. That isn't a subjective opinion. It is a professional diagnosis based on his very public and very deranged behavior, made by several certified Neuropsychologists.

It's time to stop dancing around this issue. In any other case this man would have been remanded to an institution as a danger to himself and others. No sane person would give him nuclear launch codes.

Get your country in order. And please stop spreading ignorance about what this profession does. Call out this poor demented man and get him the help he needs, and remove him from power over others.

Enough already.


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