Pep rallies for the soul?

It’s Sunday all over America.  But churches and other houses of worship are really suffering, attendance-wise, amid the escalating coronavirus.  Many are having to resort to those dastardly virtual visits, or worse yet, no religious connections at all. 😭

That really puts a damper on any formal soul-saving endeavors by the church.  People can easily “fall through the cracks” when not physically around like believers.  The prospect of no church attendance can be a scary (albeit inviting) thing to those who teeter on the edge of their faith.

For some reason, that got me thinking about Weight Watchers®. Are churches a lot like Weight Watchers?  Merely pep rallies for the soul?  A most excellent tool for “keeping people in line?”

If people didn’t go to church or other houses of worship, would they risk becoming more evil, just as Weight Watcher attendees would risk getting fatter on comfort foods? 🤔

Thanks for posting and recommending.
(by PrimalSoup)


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