People who think YOU are stupid.

To me, whether on here or other channels, or in the real world, nothing amuses me more that people who assume I am stupid.

I am sure this happens to most of YOU as well.

People knocking on my door, hoping to convert me to their religion. People begging for money to buy "food" when there is a liquor store across the street.

Online, people pretending to be friendly to you while ridiculing you when they think you aren't paying attention.

OR, trolling, my favorite form of stupidity, because the trolls think YOU are the stupid one so they can get their jollies out of trying to make you look stupid.

AND YET.... AN YET....

People are stupid, sorry to say it out loud, but they are.

They will believe that vaccines don't work, they will deny science, they believe the world is only 6000 years old, they will believe what this politician or that political leader tells them, they will believe one religion is more evil than another, but they won't believe in Santa Claus (I mean, how stupid is that?)

They also believe THEIR views on life, on the world, on politics, on religion, are the ONLY right views. Everyone else is wrong. WORSE - everyone else is stupid.

Imagine the irony, stupid people believing everyone else is stupid.

SO - why do I enforce rules against calling anyone stupid?

Because assuming someone is stupid is stupid in itself. However, the person you call stupid may very well BE stupid. BUT assuming someone is stupid is making A ASS out of U and ME.

Nothing is more insulting, to me at least, than being taken as stupid. You can call me a SNOWFLAKE and I am fine with that, hell, I rather be called a dumb ass commie socialist than being called stupid, but WORSE: being treated like I am stupid.

SO in conclusion, don't let people do stupid on you. IGNORE THEM. Responding to those who do stupid on you is a stupid thing to do, make them look stupid by:
ignoring them, or using a sense of humor, after all, nothing riles a stupid person more than when they try to make you look stupid and you laugh it off with humor.

NOW you can all respond to this stupid little tirade with stupid comments of your own, or you can make light of it and post some stupid memes, sort of like this one:

OR you can highlight what kind of stupid people irk you the most, or how YOU respond when someone takes YOU for stupid.

WE can be serious about this or use this thread to spread some humor (rather than stupidity)



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