Betting Booths Now Open…

In deference to the 2016 election fiasco, I hesitate to count a POTUS before s/he hatches, but polls are not looking very good for one Donald "John Barron/Miller" Trump.  Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report is predicting not just a Blue Wave, but a Blue Tsunami this November, as Trump continues to bizarrely self-destruct, almost on a daily basis.

 ‘Course, it’s all about the fickle Electoral College, but national polls are showing Biden ahead by about 10 percentage points.  Check your state out here.

So, what is Trump to do?  He’s got some mighty fancy footwork ahead of him, if he wants to get re-elected.  We all know that desperation cuts through everything, but they’re saying he’s gonna have to pull a Harvey-sized rabbit out of his hat, if he has any hope of maintaining his beloved POTUS power.
So, let’s speculate and bet on some of the desperate measures he may have up his sleeve.  Morning line:
  • Trump dumps Pence and looks for a popular "well-liked by the Republican Party" replacement.  Hmm, if so, who might that be??
  • Trump starts a new war to muster up the patriotic vote.  Nothing brings a country together like a new war. ;)
  • Trump walks away claiming he did all he could to MAGA, self-congratulates with a “job well done” and fades off into the profitable sunset of Trump TV (or replaces el Rushbo once he conks).  Or worse, Trump refuses to walk away, should he lose.  Well now, “won't that be special” (a la Dan Coats).
  • Trump fakes a heart attack or maybe pretends to be paralyzed to get the sympathy vote.
  • Trump convinces wife, Melania, to claim some sort of terminal illness (was it recently added to the pre-nup??) of say, stage 4 cancer with no hope of cure, but a miracle will occur after he gets re-elected.  She recovers nicely (and way more richly).
  • Trump gets someone to fabricate and plant damning, blockbuster evidence about Joe Biden (e.g., affairs, kid out of wedlock, paid for abortion, anything that might stir up the evangelical vote).
  • LONGSHOT: Trump pulls a mea culpa, begins going to church daily, cries on camera a la Jimmy “I have sinned” Swaggart, squeezes out some crocodile tears, begs for forgiveness… only to revert back to his old ways after re-election.  Sucka(s)!!
  • Other: You tell us! 
Step right up and place your bets.

(by Primal “Your favorite bookie” Soup)


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