Trump Derangement Syndrome

I'm constantly amazed at what TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome), can do to otherwise seemingly rational people.
Believing misinformation to the point of being almost delusional. That's sadly evident in some of the letters to the editor in recent weeks.
But I think a lot of that delusion has to do with accepting some mainstream media accounts of what President Trump says. Taking a word or phrase or a sentence out of context to advance their hatred of our president. Or doing it themselves. Or just lying.
The big guffaw recently was his statement that he "hopes" things will start to turn around by Easter. Easter. What an interesting metaphor.
Some Christians call Easter Resurrection Sunday, when Jesus rose from the dead. Could our national "resurrection" from this COVID-19 "death" have been what he was hoping for?
Unfortunately many of the left-wing media took what he said as a prediction. Or even a foolish promise.
But Dr. Fauci, in support of the president, and in a pushback against the willing misinterpretation of the media, stated that what the President was talking about was hope. A prayerful wish. A positive message to the American people in these difficult times.
I have found, talking to many TDS sufferers and reading their comments on social media and in the paper, that they don't seem to have ever watched any daily presidential COVID-19 briefings. So, in essence, they don't know what he really said. Only what their news sources told them he said.
A crisis like this brings out the best and the worst in people. I pray, and hope, it will bring out the best in you, not political rancor. We need to be united, not divided. Jesus says in Mark 3:25 If a house is divided against itself, it cannot stand.
Kent Cohea

Half the country suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome | Letter

This coronavirus is bad, but we will beat it.
However, there is another sickness that has infected almost half this country in the last three and a half years. It is called Trump Derangement Syndrome, or TDS.
Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Shumer, Adam Schiff and Maxine Waters are a few examples of this dempanic. TDS is spread by word of mouth and the main street media — including this newspaper.
God-fearing people praying for a coronavirus cure should also pray for TDS victims. If we can just “flatten the curve” for TDS, the whole country would be better off.
Mark H. Koch Jr.
Martins Creek


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