Please show a little humanity

Ok, here goes:

Things are very heated. Insults are flying, and we're not on any sort of good behavior. The slightest things are getting blown up out of proportion and tensions are higher than ever. And I have boldly contributed to that in the worst way.

Recently the founder of this community quit posting and I must admit it shook me a bit. To see someone who held on through all the turmoil and four years of this hyperpartisan hell suddenly decide this is enough felt like the end of an era, and the de-evolution of any means of community and communication.

And then my neighbour died of COVID19.

Folks, when we talk about 50,000 people dead, and we have debates about whether we are overreacting to that amount of death, I want you to remember one thing: that's someone's friend, neighbour, parent, child, sibling. That is a human being. That person had dreams, hopes, love, frustrations, and a host of other things you experience every day too. That person is not a number. That person was worth helping.

Instead of asking why we are doing this now, when we didn't for other preventable deaths, maybe we should be asking why didn't we do it then? Why do we assume a life isn't worth fighting for when it's in the thousands, but are willing to go every extra mile when it is one person we know? Why can't we wrap our heads around the idea that each person dead is a person like you or I?

I am absolutely emotionally compromised. I am sick of the hate, the callousness, the ignorance of these real, vibrant people and their lives cut short without reason. I just want people to show a little empathy, a little humanity. Care about these people who are dying.

Because tomorrow, that next person could be someone you know, and you have no idea what that will do to you.

I hope you get a chance to read this. I get the feeling that some in this community would rather not see me here again, and that saddens me. I hope they can understand what I've been going through and show a little humanity to me as well. But if not, please just pass that on to those who need your help now.

Take care of yourself, and each other.

-Best in Moderation


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