Joke of the Day

Between frustrations with Trump supporters - or Trump critics - or frustrated with those who are frustrated Bernie stepped aside to support Biden, or just plain frustrated with life under Covid 19:

IT IS TIME to lighten the mood.

Post your favorite joke of the day.

Here is mine:

This old SNOWFLAKE went to a sperm bank and wanted to make a donation.
The nurse on duty looked at the old SNOWFLAKE and thought there is no way, but, since we don't discriminate.....

She gave the old SNOWFLAKE a jar and pointed him to a booth, where she told him there were magazines and videos to "encourage" him.

For the next half hour, the nurse heard coming from the booth a lot of grunts, groans, sounds of frustration and anger.

Concerned, she knocked on the booth door, and when the old SNOWFLAKE opened the door, he was beet red in the face, sweating profusely, and looking exhausted.

The nurse then told the old SNOWFLAKE that part of her job was to lend a "helping hand" if needed.

NO NO, said the old SNOWFLAKE, embarrassed "I can do this by myself."

"Clearly you can't" said the nurse, and "I insist you allow me to help you."

"Fine" said the old SNOWFLAKE, handed her the jar and asked her if she could get the lid off for him.



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