The Light and Dark Side by Lance

There is certainly a lighter side to this entire Covid-19 turmoil.  My wife and I can sit for an hour looking at our Facebook pages and sharing the laughs.  Many have something to do with alcohol.

I know of a company, all working from home, that had a webex cocktail party.  The boss sent every employee a bottle and they toasted via video.  So what has this done to the status of alcohol?  One meme said something to the effect of drinking alone used to mean you were a loser, now you are a hero.

So what actually happened when the shit started hitting the fan.

Is anybody surprised that stockpiling your favorite libation went right along with the toilet paper / hand sanitizer surge.  Who would have thought booze would be determined essential in most states.  It turns out we couldn't risk all of those addicts being hospitalized due to withdrawal symptoms.

How dare Pennsylvania not get with the program.  What a boon for the liquor stores in the surrounding states.  Essential travel was now traveling to another state to get your fix.  Well, Ohio would have none of that.  Seems Steeler Corona wasn't welcomed in Brownie land so they banned them from buying in Ohio.

Well, all the fun and games behind, what were recovering alcoholics to do?  AA is the largest membership organization that nobody wants to belong to.  Its members meet regularly in groups across the nation to support one another's recovery.  Concern for the newly sober folks was high.  Relapse became a real concern for many.

Well, along came Zoom, among other formats.  I'll bet that stock soared.  Regardless, online meetings have become abundant and the lifeblood for recovering alcoholics.  Whether 6:30 in the morning or midnight meetings of people are available.

 But the real dark side is this.  When it's over and folks are back to working drinking at noon will no longer be an option.  What is a novelty to some today will be extremely dangerous to others.  The good thing is help is available.


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