OK OK, I am back!!

NOT with any great enthusiasm though.

BUT keep getting emails from people saying "Come back Snowy" as well as I realized after a week, that while pissed at how things are going on here, I DO have a small but loyal following and abandoning you all was being kind of selfish.

BUT things will be different.

When an entire thread was all about two guys bashing each other, insulting each other, instead of engaging in a lively debate about why they see the world so differently, I was reminded why I walked.

I also moderate on Germaine's channel, and there is far less of that kind of partisan name-calling, but then again, the whole mood there is more analytical and scholarly, so maybe I have only myself to blame for leaving this channel TOO wide open?

AND - YES - I was missing it, I have to be honest.

I do believe that I owe it to those who have stuck with me since the old Disqus days and give this another go.

But from now on, any kind of garbage where two adults act like little children and just bash each other and ruin an entire thread, I am going to lower the hammer. AND if that means losing a few regulars, so be it !!

I am here for the amusement, the connection to the few people I enjoy bantering with, and to spread my knowledge, wit, sagacity and charm.

REMEMBER - that I set this channel up to be more than just politics, but when threads are NOT about Trump or guns, traffic here tends to be low.

THAT no longer matters to me, I don't care if a thread gets only a dozen replies or 100, I want my authors to feel comfortable posting no-politics threads (like our good friend MMW does regularly) BUT also those who post political threads need a safe space to post their views - be they left or right - without being personally attacked.

YES - I am still angry and frustrated, but the responses I have read on the goodbye thread and from the emails I have been getting, I am encouraged as well that there are regulars on here who want me here and want this channel to succeed.

SO ENOUGH of the drama, I am sincerely sorry for just walking out on you all, I will TRY very hard not to let the drama get to me, and I DO hope that more of my authors will feel free to post OPs, as I have noticed some have done more lately (like Alex).

AND A SIDE NOTE to my moderators, please help me out, when a thread is going off the rails, use your charm to try to calm people down (that calming effect is something I don't have, so I need you). 

As for today, I have a busy day ahead of me, so feel free to leave a comment, a suggestion, or just a friendly wave.

I will also, at some point, be restoring some of those banned, I KNOW we all get hot under the collar from time to time, so let's just chill for today and:


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