Let’s talk about something positive...

...Humanity’s potential for achievement, versus its propensity to be destructive.

What future invention/technology/even discovery do you foresee as having the greatest impact on us as a species?  Greatest, as in, a big-time game changer?  Game changer, as in, takes our species to some “next Civilization-Type Level.”

Here are some possible candidates I came up with, off the top of my head.  Some are even currently well on their way to fruition:

-Teleportation (of anything)
-Replicator (for anything)
-Genetic corrections/alterations/manipulations (i.e., no more diseases)
-Exoskeletons and bionic extensions/Downloading of our essence into some perpetual medium/Fountain of Youth (e.g., CHRISPR-Cas9)
-Mind-melding/sharing knowledge (this can catapult us to a “universal knowledge” capability)
-Protective surrounding force field (for self [outside threats], for country [wars], for planet [ozone])
-Earth’s (and by extension our) sustainability via completely renewable, Eco-friendly resources (e.g., no more destructive fossil fuels)

*          *          *

I’m not talking about associated problems with each.  We all know that will happen.  Evil will always lurk.  That's what it does for a living.  I’m talking about the “advancement” itself.   

Hop on the "Positive Train" and give us some more ideas.  Do you have a favorite?

Thanks for posting and recommending!

(by Primordial Soup)


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