If it quacks like a Doc...

Now that we've all shared a chuckle over the president's theories of disinfecting your lungs, let's talk about quack cures!

They've always been with us.  For a time, in the USA,  they were called "snake oil" because some unscrupulous characters included snake heads to give their "medicines a little kick.  They were sold off wheel-barrows and advertised in the press.  They were everywhere!

Some of them were still around in my youth (which tells you how old my youth is getting these days).  We had, for example, "Carter's Little Liver Pills."  I don't know what they were actually good for, but I remember when government action made them remove their liver.  They became "Carter's Little Pills" and finally "Carter's Laxative."

So--are there any you remember?  Got a good "homeopathic" one to share with us? Let's see what's in your medicine chest!

And don't forget to drink your LySol!

               --AlexTheKay, Ye Olde Countrye Doctore


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