Tell us your concert story!

Start with a list:

First concert -The Beatles
Last concert - Nellie McKay
Best concert - Charles Mingus
Worst concert- Beatles
Loudest concert - Pat Benatar
Seen the most - Kinks
Most surprising - Randy Newman
Most disappointing- Arlo Guthrie
Next concert - Cleveland Orchestra

Why were the Beatles the worst? Because you couldn't hear a furshlugginer note! All the teenyboppers were shrieking so loudly they drowned out the PA system of the time (remember, this is the early 1960s). I was sitting there with my twin sister. I swear, she busted my eardrums all by herself.

Why was Arlo the most disappointing? Because he's still doing a goddamn 30-minute rendition of Alice's Restaurant. After 50 years, gawd, it's boring!

AlextheKay wants to see your list!


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