An interesting conundrum…

Q1: Which is more important to you: QUALITY or QUANTITY of life?

🛑 Stop here and decide your answer before reading on. 🛑 

[Thinking time link here.]

*          *          *

Okay, now that you have your answer (I hope you took at least 30 seconds to think about it), I’m betting that a hefty chunk of you said QUALITY of life was more important than QUANTITY of life.

Now consider this: 

Q2: Are there things you’d like to do but don’t do, because they are dangerous to your life or health? (e.g., smoking, drinking, drugs, overeating, taking unnecessary chances/living dangerously, etc., and etc.).

If you answered “yes” to that question, that there are things you’d like to do, but previously said that QUALITY of life was more important, then I’m pretty sure that you just lied to yourself. Your fear of the consequences of dangerous things is circumstantial evidence that QUANTITY of life is really more important to you than QUALITY of life.

Now for the final challenge.

Q3: If you fall into the category of first saying QUALITY was more important to you than QUANTITY, then, based on your lifestyle, you act as though QUANTITY of life is more important (because you don’t do dangerous things you’d like to do), explain yourself. If QUANTITY of life was your original answer, then you’re off the hook here. 😉

(by PrimalSoup)


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