Man oh man, that's scary

 Netflix fans threaten to 'cancel subscription' over 'mind-boggling' twin documentary

A 'scary' new Netflix documentary that aims to see what happens if you feed identical twins a different diet even though they are genetically the same has divided fans

Others called the new show, which dropped just in time for Veganuary, “vegan propaganda” with one fuming: “Very biased, totally against the meat industry, they would rather see us eating pounds of vegetables sprayed with horrible amounts of chemicals. This documentary is so wrong. Eating cleaner is much more important.”

So, I started to watch this documentary, and got nauseated. For two reasons. It is definitely anti-meat, pro vegan propaganada.

BUT... it also will scare the shit out of you when you see what the meant industry does to cows and pigs and chickens and what you are putting into your bodies.

See the scary trailer here:

So, how did I, your favorite Snowflake, react? I know all the science behind eating meats vs just a vegetarian diet. Well, not KNOW exactly, but have read about it all. Trouble is, I can change my habits but ain't gonna total go vegan, no way no how.

I have already cut out red meat except for the odd hamburger. Eat plenty of chicken and fish still. Have cut way down on cheese and was never much of a milk drinker anyways.

For me, the boogyman is carbs. Trying my best to cut back on potatoes and pasta. Eating more rice. Brown rice, but not wild rice, just can't take the taste.

One way or another, I will live as long as I am going to live, is my mantra. I can cut back on some stuff for sake of weight control.

BUT enough about me. I like to hear from you all. YOUR diet. YOUR attitudes towards food. Your attitudes towards someone trying to convince you to be a vegetarian or vegan. 

Are you, as the TV series suggests, WHAT YOU EAT?  


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