Have you got GAME?

 Remember the earliest computer games?  First there were the all-text games like Colossal Cave...

And then the very early Dungeon Crawlers, like Akalabeth, which managed a primitive visual experience....

And Apple's  Pong and Little Brick Out, which actually loaded from a cassette tape!  (Mind you, it took about fifteen minutes to upload it into the Apple ][ computer in order to play it.)

Eventually, these gave rise to advanced games.  For example, Akalabeth became the Ultima series.  Designed by Rich Garriot, the son of an astronaut, they made him rich enough to buy himself a trip into space.  A $30,000,000 ticket.

And early games like Wizardry became....well, a number of advancing editions of Wizardry.  But a lot more to look at.

(Wizardry 10)

Which ones did I play?  I played 'em all!  I was even a Beta Tester on Wizardry four or five.  And these days, you can find most of this stuff on "ghost-ware" sites like GOG.  But nothing beats the thrill of playing this stuff when it was new and fresh.  

Which ones did you play?  Which do you play now?  

          AlextheKay don't wanna grow up          


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