How patient are you?

No, not “noun patient,” but “adjective patient.”

On a scale of 0-10, where 0 means “I’d just as soon shoot the culprit,” and 10 means “I have the patience of a saint,” how patient are you with things?

Below I suggested some of our “greatest hits" "patience-triers” most all of us have had experience with. But feel free, of course, to give your own lists.

Q1: What are you very patient about? 😇 E.g.: with your spouse/significant other, kids, pets, coworkers, [your other tolerances here]. 

Q2: What do you have little patience for? 👿 E.g.: with bad drivers, telemarketers, the in-laws, “the boss,” repeat offenders of whatever, machines (computers, printers, phones, other equipment, etc), [your other intolerances here] 

Now (drum roll please): Who wins (gets) your highest and lowest patience award?

(by PrimalSoup)


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