At the frontier of human behavior and technology!

Sorry folks, this was just too juicy to pass up. I'm proud to be a human.

The Hill reports about a new frontier in human . . . . . whatever:
Sex robots go to court: Testing the limits of privacy and sexual freedom

Consider this: A brothel opens, offering “sexual services,” including “experiences” with girls under 15 years old.

Typically, the police response to such a brothel would make the Normandy landing look like a small skirmish. But this brothel, Chub AI, is a virtual brothel, reportedly “staffed” by artificially intelligent bots.

The controversy is part of a broader debate over sex bots and even sex bot brothels. Not long ago, the first sex robot brothel, Lovedoll UK, was shut down in Gateshead, England. Even individuals such as Steven Crawford have purchased a doll and then pimped it out to customers. With the rise in such sales, the number of legal and legislative actions are rising as well.

Over 50 years ago, what became known as the “sexual revolution” began in the United States with a debate over the scope of privacy and sexual freedom. We are now facing a second such debate, but liberal voices that once called for sexual freedom are now advocating bans and criminal penalties to deny the right to choose a different type of companion: sex dolls and bots.

Houston’s city council unanimously blocked a proposed “sex robot brothel” from opening in the city, which would have been the nation’s first pay-by-the-hour robot brothel.

“Westworld”-like technology is now on a collision course with long-standing privacy principles. For those fearing an “ex machina” future, there is an equal number of people fearing an ex-privacy future in the balance of this debate.

Sex dolls can be equipped with AI-driven speech and conversation capability. They can be programmed to speak English, Gansta or other popular languages. 

For the gentlemen

For the ladies

For the adventurous
(Dang, that looks real)

For the transsexuals

For the huh?

By Germaine: Feeling left out of the revolution


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