Who were we?  Who are we??  Who are we becoming???

I’m really struck by all the upcoming movie trailers that show up on TV advertisements these days.  It seems to be getting worse and worse.  Also, the same with TV series-type shows (CSIs, actions, westerns, etc).  It seems their common themes are violence, chaos, danger, hanging off of cliffs or dangling from planes or crashing cars (oh my) ... and what have you?

And let’s not forget all those violent video games that train the young'uns, where the goal is to spill as much blood and guts as you can in the allotted time, in order to rack up the reward points.

Then you got your real-life gun violence, where, when it happens, and almost on a weekly basis, we hear about it for days on end.  And to no avail.  NRA is not going anywhere!  

Now the questions:

Q1: Maybe it’s just me but has Hollywood, and by extension, the U.S., gone off the deep end when it comes to so-called entertainment? 

Q2: Do you think the rest of the greater world out there sees the U.S. as a rather wild, uncivilized people?

Q3: As the "shining city on the hill," are we setting the standard for what the rest of the world should aspire to?  Or are we just giving the rest of the world what they and we want (unquenchable violence)?

How do you see today’s entertainment world?

(by PrimalSoup)


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