Possibly the Mother of all Religious philosophical questions, here’s something heavy for your weekend (granted, I don’t expect much participation, other than our more devout regulars… btw, luv yuz!: If God is “good,” why is there so much evil in the world? Yes, it’s one of those “gold standard” type questions, way up the philosophical list, but is it really a tough question? I’m tempted to chime in here, but I’ll save my opinions for down in the posting section, so as not to “taint the jury.” 😉 So, do you know the answer to that question? Now, put on two hats: If you are not religious, give your answer as if you were religious. If you are religious, give your answer as if you were not religious. I.e., play both sides of the issue; or, dare I say, play "Devil's advocate." 😈 (by PrimalSoup)