Comment on Miss Manners: Give Elders Some Grace with New Name, Pronouns


"This "they/them" business is a no-go. I think it's perfectly easy to accept that Caitlin Jenner is no longer "Bruce," and Chazz Bono isn't "Chastity" anymore. But fitting gender-non-bindaries into our picture 📸 of what the human race is will take some doing, even for many open-minded Millennials. I wonder if some of us could try a less common pronoun, "thon," which was used in Ireland in the '60's.

"But defensiveness on the part of aging cisgender heteros will not provoke gracious conduct from the young non-bindary, no matter how good that would be for those family relations."

So I wrote on Miss Manners on uexpress, on May 9th.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to solve this pronoun issue?

Posted by Jennifer A. Nolan


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