Are you a wisenheimer?

 Or do you know any wisenheimers? (Besides Snowy)

The word wisenheimer, more or less a synonym of "smart aleck," is taking on a rather old-fashioned feel these days which it's fully entitled to, being more than 100 years old. It's an American coinage, slotted into a familiar sound pattern of surnames ending in -heimer, which is probably the legacy of nineteenth and twentieth century German immigration.


 an upstart who makes conceited, sardonic, insolent comments

a person who behaves in an irritatingly smug or arrogant fashion, typically by making clever remarks and displaying their knowledge.

( I would have said "perceived knowledge" ) Wisenheimers are often wrong, aren't they?

By the definition, pretty much every politician in existence would be a wisenheimer, am I wrong?
Ditto for religious leaders and media personalities and talk show hosts, right?
But are some wisenheimers worse than others? 

So back to the original question: Are YOU a wisenheimer, or do you know any or have known any wisenheimers?

I could name a few I have run into on here, besides Snowy of course, but I want to stay friends so won't name them. After all, one person's wisenheimer is another person's sagacious thinker, am I right?


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