Saturday Free For ALL

 AMAZING weather where I live, so despite Covid precautions, we are getting out today for some long walks, and it is also time to shed a few pounds, I have allowed myself to get out of shape.

First you wanted to anaylize yourself, then me, then wanted folks to update their profiles for your records.
Alas, lots of folks here don't want to talk about self, but about politics, even still about Trump, UGH!

Thank you Alex for your off-politics threads and constant contributions, and I hope I may be so bold as to consider you a friend.

Thank you This Style, our newest author, for giving us some new stuff to think about and to all my other authors as well for your unique contributions.

NEW AUTHORS will always be welcome (hint hint).

SO with me not being on much today, or the weekend for that matter, this will be a free for all thread.

Jokes, music videos, politics, what is in the news, or just drop by to say hi!

I wish I could say, honestly, that my mind is stimulated by what is going on in the world, but afraid it has gone into summer mode, as likely Cauvin will be found guilty of something but not murder, people will continue to unmask allowing new variants to spread, more gun violence will take place, and partisan politics will govern Congress.


So if you are so inclined, bring something light to this channel, but if something is pissing you off, get it off your chest here as well. 

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