Morons in the News

  A confession of sorts:  one of the reasons I watch the news is for the sheer comedy of it.  Pogo cartoonist Walt Kelly once observed that when it came to getting laughs, he felt a "keen sense of competition" with the front page of the newspaper.  

Alas, it's true.  Nobody is quite so stupid as a newsmaker who thinks he or she is being profound.  What made me think of this?  Ted Nugent.  Nugent, never known for integrity or brains, was once one mean guitarist. Nowadays, he's just mean.  And stupid.  To wit:

"You know, I guess I would ask you — because I’m addicted to truth, logic and common sense — and my commonsense meter would demand the answer to why weren’t we shut down for COVID one through 18?" 

Now, I'm just guessing here, but I think it might be because none of those ever existed. 

But let's be fair.  It's not as if Nugent is alone in the Moron-O-Sphere.  There's also Rudy Giuliani, who was mayor of New York City when the 9/11 attacks happened during George W. Bush's first year in the presidency.  

''We had no domestic attacks under Bush.''

Maybe he thought "domestic attacks" means maids messing up when they're supposed to be cleaning.

Then of course there's our illustrious ex-president, Donald Trump.  Low-hanging fruit, I know.  But I've always been fond of his remark about shopping.  "If you go out and buy groceries, you need a picture on a card—you need ID."   

Gosh, I thought all you needed was this stuff:

Not that Democrats are immune to stupidity.  Remember Hank Johnson, the Democratic congressman from Georgia, who famously worried that if we sent too many people to Guam, the island would tip over and capsize?

But now it's your turn!  Share the dumbest comments you've seen from politicians, pundits and other people who wriggled into celebrity!



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