Thoughts on Independence Day

By Best in Moderation

I find one thing very interesting about the US's biggest and most patriotic celebration: it is not, like other nations, based on the creation of the nation.

We as a nation do not (directly) celebrate our founding day. We do not celebrate the ratification of our Constitution. We do not celebrate the day the Founders emerged and said we have a Republic, if we can keep it. 

We celebrate the day we declared Independence from a corrupt and violent leadership who had abdicated all responsibility of providing for the general welfare to business interests and local wannabe dictators. We celebrate the day we decided we would stand united against tyranny, in all its forms, and fight for the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We celebrate the day we decided the people were more important than the structured form of government.

On this day, I suggest we revisit the reasons for that. Today, think about what our founders were up against, and the courage it took to say "no more." Today, forget about "being the United States," and remember yourselves as the United Citizens of a nation. A United People.

What makes our nation great is that we can hold these two seemingly conflicting ideals, that of Unity and Independence, together in ever changing and creative ways. This joining together has always been our greatest strength, and our proudest moments are when we have stood against those seeking to divide us and take the principle of all being equal away and replace it with their preferred group. When we have declared that freedom means freedom under the law. When we declare freedom does not mean freedom from consequences. When we declare that freedom means fighting for the freedom of others.

Let's turn this Resistance into something better. Let us declare from today onward that we will not suffer the whims of tyrants, nor do we see as applicable laws passed by those who have abdicated justice in favor of the gain of wealth or influence. Let us proudly and bravely stand up to brutality, disregard, casual cruelty and corruption and say "No More."

We are Many, we are Great, and we stand United. The time of tyranny, of divisiveness, of fear is over. Let all patriots join together today and declare "No More."

Happy Fourth of July.


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