The woke consumer's quandary

What if a consumer wants to but an electric car but the CEO, the tyranny supporter Elon Musk in this case, goes off and buys a huge social media platform for $43 billion, Twitter in this case, and then reinstates a previously banned, raging demagogic crook, liar and tyrant, T**** in this case, on that social media platform? With the help of all that free advertising, the liar-tyrant very well could go on to gain power and then destroy democracy, truth, civil liberties, the rule of law, and what little is left of an honest secular federal government. What should Mr. Woke the consumer do, buy the car and help enrich the pro-tyrant CEO or go elsewhere to make the purchase? What if all the other car companies, electric or gas guzzling, support the raging demagogic crook, liar and tyrant? 

What if a consumer does not want to support a raging demagogic crooked, lying and neo-fascist faux news source (an entertainment source by its own admissions), Faux News in this case, but finds out that it makes about 95% of its profits from cable TV subscriptions, not from advertisements? The only way to stop paying to support the lying divisive tyranny machine is to completely get rid of cable TV. And, research has shown that consumer boycotts of advertisers on the neo-fascist faux news source do not do squat to the Faux or the advertisers. So other than facing a minor public relations problem, Faux and advertisers who support it by buying ads don't care if woke consumers boycott.

What if a consumer does not want to support a series of secretive but raging demagogic crooked, lying and arguably neo-fascist and racist foundations and organizations with unknown billions of dollars in cash, Koch foundations in this case, where those unknown billions come from the consumers and businesses in the country, America in this case, and there is no legal way to touch those anti-democratic business or political operations?*** Those neo-fascist billions come from privately held, opaque oil, gas, paper, and chemical conglomerate, which is the US's second-largest privately held company. These foundations are laissez-faire capitalist and have provided unknown tens of millions of dollars to various organizations, including libertarian and conservative pro-tyranny think tanks and they often rely on political advocacy, climate change denial, quiet but effective political opposition to climate change regulations, and writing extremist authoritarian laws for state legislatures to protect business interests at the expense of civil liberties.****

*** The propaganda from this anti-democracy, anti-consumer Leviathan is first rate. The stated priorities of the Leviathan include increasing employment, reducing poverty and addiction, ensuring excellent education, building a stronger economy, and bridging divides and building respect. In fact, the opposite of all of those are core goals. 

**** The law writing arm of this neo-fascist force, ALEC in this case (the American Legislative Exchange Council), writes laws on a broad range of issues, including reducing regulation and individual and corporate taxation, loosening environmental regulations, tightening voter identification rules, weakening labor unions, and opposing gun control. About 200 ALEC bills become law each year. 

So, what is the woke consumer to do? Research shows that average people have zero impact on policy that gets passed into laws. The only factor that has an impact is wealth. 

The woke consumer's quandary seems to be this: We're between a rock and a hard place.

Question: Are we between a rock and a hard place?

By Germaine: The one with the inquiring mind


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