If you could have new work from one departed artist.....
The other day, I got a gift from the past. A new recording from an artist who left us so long ago, I never thought to hear from him again.
I've been collecting Mingus since 1969. I saw him live in the late '70s. He died the next year, aged 57. He's been gone for 43 years -- but for the 100th anniversary of his birth, someone found this set. And it turns out to be magnificent, one hell of a great concert, running over two hours!
I'm greedy. I want more! I can't help thinking how nice it would be to see the release of "lost" material from other artists and bands I've loved over the years. Janis Joplin? Duane Allman? Phil Ochs? All those greats who died far too young.
Who would you like to see send a gift from the beyond?
AlextheKay is feeling nostalgiac
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