Death by a thousand cuts…
Yeah, that’s what your “To Do” list feels like sometimes. You know there are things you need to/want to
do, but either you keep putting them off, or make up some kind of excuse, or
you really do have an excuse, or whatever.
But in the end, they don’t get done.
It’s always “tomorrow.”
The end result feels the same, though. In your mind, you “mentally” did them over
and over and freakin’ frackin’ over again, though you never physically got them
done. It’s like some kind of self-torture/masochism.
They say "a coward dies a thousand deaths, a brave man dies
but one." That’s what undone tasks feel
like. At least to me.
So, what’s on your dastardly “To Do” list? And what's the hold up, bud/budette?? 🤨
Thanks for posting and favoriting.
(by Primal “‘Tomorrow, Tomorrow, you’re always a day
away” Soup)
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