milo asks... [S2E5]
milo • [S2E5]
When I was three we were out driving through the country one night. And looking out the window, I asked my dad "Why is the moon?"
Later he often told this story to his friends, to convey to them that I'd always been a deep thinker. But it really wasn't that at all. What I was trying to say-- with my limited 3-year old's vocabulary-- was that when the car was moving, the moon moved right along with it, against the trees. But when the car stopped, the moon stopped moving too.
My dad had never thought a lot about questions of optical parallax... so he couldn't figure out the question and come up with a good answer. But here I'm sure our astute readers can grok it in a twinkling!
I think a way of phrasing the question might be......
What sort of hard to understand ideas did you have as a child that became clear as an adult.
One I had as a child was how do the road building people ever figure out the right place to put the roads so that they all go by where the house are?
A question regarding the simplistic workings
of a child’s mind.
So, to summarize, list some things children
wonder about their world, but haven’t yet got the ability to understand/grasp. Did you have any such wonderings as a child?
Give milo your thoughts on this
interesting subject we can all relate to.
And thanks for favoriting and supporting the thread!
(posted by PrimalSoup)
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