What happens after November 3?

 By now everybody has a rough idea that this will not be like any other election. For once, we have to take Donald Trump at his word: he will not accept defeat under any circumstance. And our tradition of an orderly succession of government has always rested on the defeated candidate admitting his defeat so the nation may move on with some degree of confidence. 

We even have a rough picture in our minds as to how events will play out. The true final tally will not be known for weeks after Election Day. And each day the count seems to be going against Trump he will be throwing sand in the wheels of achieving any kind of an accurate count. Worse, we can assume the cooperation of a number of Republican governors in key swing states. They can change the rules by fiat if they choose, and might even order their electors to disregard the popular vote and vote for the incumbent.

Such tactics seem far-fetched to us, who have never seen a deeply dirty election play out. But Constitutional scholars find there are very few grounds on which to base an effective offense against such tactics. Particularly if the contest goes to a Supreme Court that has been rigged in the defense of the incumbent.

So there is much cause for concern. I sympathize with those of us who would rather seek solace in cat videos until all this is past us. But I believe we need to be paying very close attention to every step of the game. Out futures all depend on it.

I recommend very strongly both reading this illuminating text and watching the embedded video.



posted by milo


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