In the hot seat…


If you were a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, what questions would you like to ask SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett, in the hearing set for October 12th?

Here are mine so far:

-Approximately how old do you think the Earth is?

-Do you believe (accept) evolution?

-Do you believe in the Rapture?  If yes, how do you think it will go?

-Do you consider yourself a religious fundamentalist?  For example, do you believe the Earth was created in six literal days?  Did Moses really part the Red Sea?  Did Jonah actually live for three days inside the belly of a giant/great fish/whale?  Did Jesus literally walk on water?  Did Jesus come back to life after three days of death?

-Do you always wear a mask when out in public to protect others against COVID?

-At what point does “life” begin?  Is it at the moment of conception?

-And for my pièce de résistance, I’d play the p*ssy tape and ask what she, as a Christian, thinks about it?


Thanks for posting your potential questions for her, and for recommending.

(by Primal Soup)


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