We Need a Nice Funny War! An appeal to unreason by AlextheKay

 Burrowing into my ears from out of the past, it came Phil Ochs, singing "Draft Dodger Rag."

And as I was singing along, I thought of the fabulous "Fish Cheer" along with "Feel Like I'm Fixin' to Die"

Where have all those great anti-war songs gone?  Gone with the draft, it seems.  So I say--let's get into a whopping big war to celebrate with laughter!  What have we got to lose, other than our blood, our sweat, our tears, our children and our sacred honor?  Who's with me?

Share your favorite anti-war ditty.  And, hey, you capitalist running-dogs, you can share your favorite PRO-war ditty!  We're not particular!

Do it....For The Children!


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