Nixon was a socialist!

There can be no better way of seeing how for this country has slid to the Right in our lifetime than looking back on the career of Dick Nixon. Widely reviled at the time (by some) for belonging to the Joe McCarthy camp of the Republicans, he would be seen-- if he were to come back today-- as not just a liberal but as an extreme progressive. And would have trouble getting nominated as a candidate by the DP.

So what did he do that was so progressive? Well, his first opening salvo on taking office was to task Wally Hickel with drawing up our first major environmental legislation: the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts. Then he created our EPA, to enforce those acts and give them teeth.

Then he tackled welfare reform. And this is the side of him that has truly become forgotten. His proposed Family Assistance Program (FAP) would have been groundbreaking, and become the basis for all future legislation targeted toward eliminating poverty in America.

Here is a piece you really need to read:,and%20%24300%20for%20each%20child.

It's interesting to see who was responsible for killing it.



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