Our Sinking Ship of State

 In normal times, people marvel at the foresight and wisdom of our Founding Fathers, in crafting a Constitution that seems to anticipate and solve every conceivable problem a functioning democracy might encounter. But not this time around. Instead we're tempted to curse a flawed document, one that allows a single person-- through executive privilege-- to undo the principles we stand for so easily. And just by executive whim.

And we can all see it coming, up ahead. Our approaching train wreck in November. To our triple afflictions-- a raging pandemic, a collapsed economy and a nation in the midst of race-based crisis-- will be added a fourth. An election so flawed it may well be nullified, or renounced by half the population. 

As usual, I'm finding the best coverage of this fast-approaching disaster to be coming from The Atlantic. Here are three articles that explore the dimensions of the difficulties staring us in the face. And if you follow the links, they lead to other articles equally enlightening. But I would urge you all to at least read these two. Our futures very much depend on the way the upcoming election unfolds.

Trump Has Launched a Three-Pronged Attack on the Election


Trump Can't Postpone the Election-- But He's Trying to Destroy its Legitimacy


How Donald Trump Could Steal the Election


Other resources:



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