It's not a secret!

It's not a secret!

By Roxanna López

On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection by Charles Darwin, ISBN-13: 978-0-486-45006-3, p. 45: “When a species, owing to highly favourable circumstances, increases inordinately in numbers in a small tract, epidemics—at least, this seems generally to occur with our game animals—often ensue: and here we have a limiting check independent of the struggle for life. But even some of these so-called epidemics appear to be due to parasitic worms, which have from some cause, possibly in part through facility of diffusion amongst the crowded animals, been disproportionably favoured: and here comes in a sort of struggle between the parasite and its prey.” And that was first published in 1859. 

So I just don’t get why people still cannot comprehend the relationship between ease of transmission of epidemics and close contact between individuals in a population. It’s not like it’s something new, it’s not like it’s a secret. It’s not like it’s in doubt; scientists had been proposing, debating, testing, and confirming this for a long time, as the example above shows. It’s not particular to the coronavirus but to all kinds of infectious diseases. What else can a reasonable person say and what else does it take for a reasonable person to listen and understand the truth? And if an individual doesn’t listen and doesn’t understand an evident and rigorously tested truth like this one, can he/she be considered reasonable? Sane? 

It has never stopped amazing me how things that are common knowledge, well-tested and confirmed, suddenly become controversial when you have a plurality of ignorant people played by a plutocracy of malicious minds. Plutocracy = Plutocrazy.

On the other hand, if one thinks enough one can surely see that many politicians in power are, indeed, parasitic worms which had been disproportionaly favored, as Darwin argues in his book. And when I say some politicians I mean 45th and his gang. 


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