Language can be a real b*#@h!...

Things evolve. Not just natural things but also language.  It was destined to happen.

Writers love it when their words “pack a punch.”  That’s why we write them, to grab your attention and draw you in, if at all possible. Anyway, that’s this writer's main goal.

Words are a lot like drugs. The more you use them, the less potent they become over time. Eventually, you need some kind of “next level” drugs/words.

Take swear words, for example. (Am I grabbing your attention yet?? 😉) Who among us doesn’t use them?  What was an acceptable swear word in days of yore just doesn't pack the same punch nowadays as it once did. So, as expected, word evolution happened:

-Shucks … became shoot … became shit. 😮

-What the heck … became what the hell … became what the fuck.  😵

See… like I said, normal progression/evolution.  I only wonder what could possibly replace the current placeholders.  Any ideas? 

Fellow blogger KipSmithers wants to talk about:

How language/slang/terms have change over time.

What are your thoughts on how language has changed?  Any categories of special interest?  E.g., Dames, becoming gals, becoming women.  Boy/N word, becoming Black, becoming African American.  Etc., and etc.  There are many angles to approach this from.  Give us your thoughts.

(Posted by PrimalSoup for KipSmithers)


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