Freedom in the U.S.


United States

Political Rights32 40
Civil Liberties51 60
86 100 Free
Global freedom statuses are calculated on a weighted scale.


The United States is a federal republic whose people benefit from a vibrant political system, a strong rule-of-law tradition, robust freedoms of expression and religious belief, and a wide array of other civil liberties. However, in recent years its democratic institutions have suffered erosion, as reflected in partisan pressure on the electoral process, bias and dysfunction in the criminal justice system, harmful policies on immigration and asylum seekers, and growing disparities in wealth, economic opportunity, and political influence.

Two areas of concern:

Does the government operate with openness and transparency?2 4
Do laws, policies, and practices guarantee equal treatment of various segments of the population?2 4
A lot to digest, but generally speaking Freedom House seems to suggest we have it pretty good in the good ole U.S. of A. (despite the steady stream of negative news)

Agree or disagree?


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