In the beginning…

...God (Allah, Yahweh, what have you, and there’s plenty to pick from) was born.*  And we “saw that it was good.” 

Yes, I’m saying humanity created the concept of God; the concept was not instilled into humanity by a God.  In other words, hierarchically, we came first, God came after us. 

I further submit that the attributes of “good and evil,” that which we tend to associate with God-judgment, are moral judgments that are strictly human concepts.  Good and evil does not exist outside of human judgment.  No humanity, no good and evil.  

Rather, existence as we know it is one massive energy in/energy out phenomenon/machine, pure and simple. Organically, all life feeds on death as all death in turn feeds life, cycle after cycle after cycle.  Even the energies of inorganic things give way to other inorganic things. 

So, was this OP too cold, too morbid for you?  Am I just a heartless b!tch who has no idea of what she speaks?  Or do I speak the cold hard truth?  Convince me that I’m wrong. 


*Disclaimer: The following opinions are that of the management, and while they CAN be folded, spindled and mutilated, they CANNOT be verified. 😊

(by PrimordialSoup)


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