A BIT OF THIS - A BIT OF THAT - For your Thursday

The summer months are upon us, traffic will decline, so please be patient and at the same time thankful to those who still hang in here over the summer months.

I might not be too active today (doesn't mean I won't peep in) as getting a couple of teeth pulled :(

Thought I would be the first to pipe in about the new John Bolton book.
WE KNOW the Trump defenders will say the book is BS, meant to make money, because if Bolton had been serious about his allegations, why didn't he volunteer to be a witness during the impeachment trials?
Also - Bolton is kinda scummy, let's be honest about that.

HOWEVER - too much of what has been "leaked" so far just sounds like Trump, so I am not ready to dismiss everything that Bolton has put in his book, because it is likely a lot of it is TRUE.
Because the only one more scummy than Bolton, is - well - you know.....

Turned on the TV this morning, went to Fox, and that Kayleigh McEnany was doing her schtick, defending everything Trump says and does, including holding an INDOOR rally this weekend (which doesn't bother me, it will be Trump supporters who could end up picking up Covid and spreading it to their loved ones).

Turned on CNN and it was ALL ABOUT the latest injustices of police action against the black community and nothing but.

Turned on MSNBC and it was all about John Bolton's book and they were just salivating over the "revelations."

Turned on BBC, they were discussing the rise and fall of Covid cases throughout Europe.
Turned on Al Jazeera, and they were interviewing some of the women who had been raped by Assad's goons in Syria.

IN OTHER WORDS - you need to go to other sources if you want to get ANY news that isn't partisan slants on what is happening in AMERICA only.

On a thread on another channel the topic of whether you "hate" religion came up. I focused on the word "hate" more than the word "religion" because people, I just don't understand hating anyone. WHAT IS THE POINT? you only have one life, it may be short or may be long, but who wants to waste it hating?
HELL, I don't even hate Trump, dislike him yeah, want him gone yeah, but hate?

All hate does is make you angry and to prove my point some person popped on and called me a twat for suggesting "hate" is a wasted emotion, as if they couldn't get the irony of their rebuttal.

So, for me, hate is the same as calling everyone on one side "evil" or other salacious words, it is a waste of energy, kills conversation, and is disingenuous.

This is why I am inspired by the latest trend on here where some of my authors have moved away from political threads and posted more non-political threads, particularly our friend MMW.
(in fact, putting in a pitch for MMW, wish more people would take an interest in his threads)

HOWEVER - non political threads tend to garner less comments, which is a shame, but it is what it is, people tend to comment more when riled up.

Maybe to make this place a REAL success I should allow more "tits and ass" threads?
YES or NO?


WEIGH IN on any of my comments above, or make your own observations, whatever you choose to do is fine with me, because by the end of the day I am likely to be in a cantankerous mood (sans two teeth) 

PS: Disqus has had a couple of rough weeks, where sometimes this or that doesn't want to work properly, just remember, you can always catch up with us through your Blogger page, just have to have some patience.



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